'The King's War' is the 2nd of 3 books written by Wedgwood about the ECW. The first was 'The King's Peace 1637 - 1641' and the third was 'Montrose' about the Scott, James Graham, who was the first Marquess of Montrose.
The book has the same attention to detail enjoyed in T30YW so includes mention of relatively small skirmishes. Generally, relationships between protagonists were simpler than in T30YW so the content in the 600+ pages of this book was easier to follow.
Once again, a book well worth a read by those interested in the history of the ECW. It provides much context relevant to scenarios for wargames. I recommend 'The King's Peace' be read before 'The King's War' simply because that should provide further context; ie, the relationships between the King and senior members of society that lead to the conflict.
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